How can I reschedule my installation appointment?(there is no option in My Profile)

There was an issue when the person showed up to set up my internet, he said to reschedule but there is no option to choose a date anywhere in My Profile. How can I choose a date for my future apointment?


  • Mike
    Mike Posts: 20,795 ✭✭
    Hi Arash

    If the appointment was not respected you need to take a new appointment, the 'Reschedule' button will appear there, once 24h passed since the appointment was due.

    To reschedule your technician appointment:

    Log into your account → Manage plan → Appointments
    Here you will be able to see a complete list of all your past and future appointments.
    click on Reschedule (the 'Reschedule' button will appear there, once 24h passed since the appointment was due).
    This will open the booking interface. Select a new day and time slot and click Save


    If you need to contact the support

    1- Click on this link:
    2- The green chat bubble with the ? should appear after a few seconds in the bottom right corner.
    3- Click on it, and select chat if available, or any other option
  • Emmanuel S. #36497
    Emmanuel S. #36497 Posts: 235 ✭✭
    As Mike said, the option will appear in a day, maybe try to reach out to support via facebook messenger.
  • StefanM
    StefanM Posts: 1,453 ✭✭
    As correctly pointed out, the option will show up the next day !
  • Whizz
    Whizz Posts: 19,354 admin
    Hello Arash,
    Sorry for the situation encountered.
    I have verified your account and the button to Reschedule your appointment is available now. As our community members suggested you can do that by going to My Plans >>Manage >>Appointments.
    Please reach us back if you have any other questions. You can contact us any time at
    Thank you for your patience, have a great day!
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