could i stop my daughter mobile plan for two months?

katia K. #20925
katia K. #20925 Posts: 9 ✭✭
i bought my daughter a mobile plan for school ,now she does not use it.could i stop this plan temporarily,because i pay for it without using it.


  • Qulbut
    Qulbut Posts: 3,482 ✭✭
    Yes you can but you will lose to phone number.

    This is how to résiliate your plan

    You just have to reactivate the SIM card when you will need it.

    What you can do to keep the phone if you don't want to résiliate is to modify your plan to pay less. A line without call, text message or nothing is $10 plus taxe a month. That way you will keep your phone number.
  • Nathan
    Nathan Posts: 477 ✭✭
    Hi Katia,

    In fact, the good answer is that you can stop the plan for up to 60 days without loosing the number. See:
    "Unless you transferred it to another mobile provider, you can reuse your Fizz phone number up to 60 days after unsubscribing, whether to reactivate your plan or to use it for another plan in your account."

    Also, how to unsubscribe:

    Hope this helps you and answers your question! If it does don't hesitate to mark this answer as the best :)
  • Isabelle P. #15966
    Isabelle P. #15966 Posts: 832 ✭✭
    Of course, but you will lose your benefits and your telephone number.
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