APN settings

Ekaterina L.
Ekaterina L. Posts: 1 ✭✭
I have a huge problem. It's being already twice that my APN settings ger eraised completely, so i lose my network. But today, despite that I fixed my APN, my mibile internet still didn't work. On what depend APN settings? Why does it get erased on my phone? Why after I put all advanced parameters it still doesn't start working? (it started just in some hours I don't know depending on what)


  • Irene
    Irene Posts: 4,160 ✭✭
    Today there was a problem
  • Louis-Vincent Demers
    Fizz network was out almost all day long for a lot of users today. That's probably where your problem come from.
  • Kovid
    Kovid Posts: 588 ✭✭
    After you enter all the parameters, make sure you do save.
    If you did not, your parameters will be gone.
    Ok, if this is not the problem, have you reached out yet to Fizz for help
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