How to delete a voicemail before it finishes?

JessicaRen Posts: 12 ✭✭
I know we can hit 7 to delete a voicemail, but it doesn't seem to work before the voicemail finishes. Today I accidentally hit 8 while the voicemail was still on, and it cut the voicemail instead of deleting it and brought me back to the main menu. So I went through the voicemail again, and weirdly the voicemail was shorter as it stopped where I hit 8 last time.
The first time I hit 7 before the end of the voicemail, it totally ignored me and continued the voicemail, and I believe I heard 3 beeps, which was recorded into the voicemail, as when I came back the second time, I heard the same 3 beeps.
Is there any way we can delete the voicemail before it goes to the end?


  • MichelP
    MichelP Posts: 8,733 ✭✭
    Your option is to press: # to delete the message.
    It's supposed to work.
  • Jimmy N. #14505
    Jimmy N. #14505 Posts: 620 ✭✭
    Such a great tip !
  • Olivier R. #3666
    Olivier R. #3666 Posts: 1,715 ✭✭
    just press #
  • Takion
    Takion Posts: 330 ✭✭
    I usually press the number 2 then 7 it deletes the message before the ending of the message
  • JessicaRen
    JessicaRen Posts: 12 ✭✭
    Thanks for all the answers. I just tried. The # does skip the intro, but I pressed 7 before the voicemail message finishes, but it didn't delete the voicemail. It restarted the voicemail instead. I pressed 7 again before the voicemail finishes, and then I was given the option to delete by pressing 7. This is because the voicemail was already cut shorter when I pressed 7 the first time.
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