Why does the modem hide system logs from cusadmin?

Dan Y. #1930
Dan Y. #1930 Posts: 7 ✭✭
I've been battling an internet disconnection which seems to be happening every day at exactly 11:40am. For a month now, in fact. Techsupport is utterly useless and the modem itself shows no useful information.
The even more interesting part is that today, during the outage, I logged into the modem, and something in the web UI glitched, because I suddenly saw a new tab, all about DOCSIS, including the logs. Loads of critical errors were shown. A minute later the interface reset itself and I lost access to those logs, but now I know they are there.
So why the hell are they being hidden? What would be the harm in a user seeing logs and being able to submit them to support for faster problem resolution?


  • Stéphane B. 10644
    Stéphane B. 10644 Posts: 786 ✭✭
    11:40 am bizarre...
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